about us

I am a mum to 3 boys who keep me on the edge of sanity most days

I moved to Ashburton when I was 11 from Pleasant Point with my dad and brother; I then moved between Timaru and Christchurch after college and found my way back when I was 20 after meeting my now husband Adam

ever since I was little, I have wanted to help those around me

I have alway been drawn to helping young babies and children, and over the years as I became a mum, my passion turned to helping parents too  

I am a carrier consultant and a child restraint technician with years of personal and professional experience and I enjoy finding ways to continue my learning; I am always looking for more opportunities as they arise

with a strong dedication and passion to deliver the information everyone needs to help make the right choices for themselves and their family, I have brought my dream to reality

thank you for choosing to come along for the ride

Kirsty x